The copyright of all materials on this site belong to Alice Kate by Design. All rights are reserved. You may read, print or download for private use only. No content may be used by you or distributed to others for the purpose of commercial gain. Except where your use is permitted above or by copyright law, or by written permission from Alice Kate by Design.
The content of this website (including all images, designs, logos, photographs, text written, descriptions of goods and other materials) are the copyright of Alice Kate by Design, its agents or its contents and ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED.
You may read, print or download for private use only. No content may be used by you or distributed to others for the purpose of commercial gain. Except where your use is permitted above or by copyright law, or by written permission from Alice Kate by Design
The copyright and design, in all goods and including bespoke products shall belong exclusively to us and nothing herein shall be deemed to provide you with a licence to use the same.
Many of the stunning images featured on our website have been beautifully photographed for Peony & Sage, Olive + Daisy and Meg Morton. These images are copyright of Peony & Sage, Olive + Daisy and Meg Morton